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Re: VLF: SpecLab old versions

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: VLF: SpecLab old versions
From: g3zjo <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 13:25:31 +0000
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
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Hi Wolf

Thanks for the comment. So we may be getting somewhere, my SpecLab is always installed outside the Windows/Programs folder, in C:/Comms, where all my Radio stuff is. Both Windows7 and Windows10 complain on start up of not being able to find the colour palette files. However until I installed V2.92 on Win10 I didn't see this, after adding V2.92, V2.90 throws up the message also.

Maybe win7-on has some oddity.

Well I don't like Windows either, XP was OK, but K1JT software now crashes the computer and locks it up, other stuff has stopped support for XP. I was very cautious about Win 10 because of all the scare stories, however by golly it is good.

I just checked the shack machine which has captures on my VLF Grabber and all 9 instances are running fine so no more clues from this end.

73 Eddie G3ZJO

On 10/03/2017 12:36, Wolfgang Büscher wrote:
Hi Eddie and all,

If SL is unable to load the colour palette files, you should try installing it in a folder *outside* the usual 'programs'-thingy in windows. Quite likely the hyper-nervous 'operating system' doesn't grant file access to that folder, and all sub-folders.

Anyway, I've got a slow old PC where I installed windoze 10. I still hate it (the "OS", not the PC) but maybe at given time, I will install the C compiler there and try to debug it. I cannot promise anything yet, because I am quite fed up with windows at the moment.

  Wolf DL4YHF .

Am 10.03.2017 um 09:57 schrieb g3zjo:
On 10/03/2017 00:15, Markus Vester wrote:
those version and build numbers look odd to me, are you sure you've got them right?

No :-)

I should remember never to trust my memory. Correction V2.92 b02 is the newest, I was advised to try V2.90 b20, I only had V2.90 b16 available so stepped back to that. It was my last email late last night, excuses, excuses. I could have checked because they are both on this Laptop also. I have considered V2.92 b02 to be flaky on display from my first use, I mentioned it to Stefan. I had to start afresh with all my .config files it just didn't like my old ones. Something not seen before but happens now on both releases on both machines is, constant messages on start up of "can't find the Pallete" ie Sunrise, the default. Do you see this? I wonder if it indicates that the two versions are using different locations to store display information. I know a lot of set up information is stored in memory.

73 Eddie G3ZJO

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