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Re: VLF: This weekend...

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: VLF: This weekend...
From: DK7FC <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 13:13:06 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <> <> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
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Sender: [email protected]
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My congratulations to your first EbNaut decode, even on VLF! Furthermore, it is already quite a long message and you got it with a good SNR from a 'normal' RX system in a 'normal' location!
I confirm the message text you sent me in a private mail is correct.
QRB = 742 km,

The number of stations beeing able to decode EbNaut messages (by themselfes) on VLF grows!
So far this is: Paul, DF6NM, DK7FC, SQ5BPF, RN3AUS, G3ZJO  (someone forgotten?)

73, Stefan

Am 19.02.2017 11:52, schrieb g3zjo:
On 19/02/2017 07:48, DK7FC wrote:
...i forgot to enable the scheduled actions in SpecLab, so the transmission didn't start to the announced time.
Noticed that and set the new start time to 18:15 UTC, i.e. 15 min delayed...

*An urban decode in G land. Wonderful.* (You couldn't do this with OPERA 'G').

Of course all thanks and credits go to Paul, Marcus and Stefan not forgetting Wolf.

ebnaut-rx V0.6
input file C:\Comms\EbNaut\19_FEB_0005_8270.wav
sample rate 0.342935 per second
rx frequency 8270.1
file start time 2017-02-18 17:27:09.370
polynomial 16K21A
crc size 16
number of chars 7
block size 58
symbol period 30.000
number of symbols 1248
list length 20000
start offset 2882.290
freq offset 0.000000
cores 2
skipped 2881.014117 seconds to start
initial reference phase -54.6
found 7Symbols Message
list rank 0
reference phase    0    0    0    0
carrier RMS 6.027e-005 noise RMS 5.405e-006
carrier S/N 20.95 dB in 26.7 uHz
carrier Es/N0 -10.02 dB
carrier Eb/N0 4.94 dB
info bit period 938.35 seconds
symbol error rate 427/1248 = 34.215 %
Es/N0 from symbol errors -10.8 dB
Eb/N0 from symbol errors 4.2 dB
Shannon capacity 16.4 bits/hour
Shannon efficiency 23.3 %
symbols file C:\Comms\EbNaut\19_FEB_0005_8270-symbols.csv
elapsed 8 seconds

73 Eddie G3ZJO
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