Hello EbNaut-ers, group
Many compliments to all OM involved in latest VLF successfull
activities with EbNaut.
In particular to Stefan for surmounting all obstacles for working
so well even the 6,47 kHz and to Paul for his excellent receiver
Again thanks to Paul, Wolf and Markus for their invaluable
softwares and works.
We are following with much interest your tests and the technical
solutions adopted. Unfortunatly many of us are still not ready to
receive your signals or to radiate on VLF.
In the beginning of this year, we have demostrated that EbNaut
works very good also on LF. Some QRO and QRP trasmissions from me,
Markus, Paul, Andy, VO1NA were decoded. Some EbNaut tests are
still in progress with success between me and Riccardo IW4DXW.
Put on air, or receive an EbNaut signal on LF is certainly more
easy than on VLF, despite both TX and RX introduce further
frequency errors and stability problems that need to be managed.
So this is an invitation to the LF operators to try this mode.
If i have well understood Michel, F5WH is working on that, that's
good news !
I'm now running an LF receiver and i'm saving some "EbNaut-ready"
audio wave files . I'm using Spectrum Lab recorder function and i
want to share the folder:
Each files starts at :00, :15, :30, :45, allowing the recording
of any transmissions within these 15 minutes and - of course -
within the sensitivity of the receiver.
So, if one wants to try to transmit on LF, then, using 8K19A as
coding scheme, he must use an EbNaut messages with max 13
characters at 1 s/symbol or max 31 char. at 0.5 s/symbol.
Dial frequency of receiver is 136.000 kHz and FFT center frequency
is 1500 Hz.
The same SL session is used here for running OPDS. In this folder
there are some files with spectrogram and detection results.
The "right-side" window of the spectrogram is centered on 137485
Hz that is the test frequency used by IW4DXW. The spectrogram can
be useful to monitoring propagation/noise conditions at my
I will try to keep receiver always on-line. Receiver is a vintage
but sensitive JRC NRD-92M (GPS referenced), and i'm using an 8
meter passive whip. Locator is JN80NU (urban noise is unfortunatly
present but on night time this is very low).
If some operator wants to try my setup, advicing the transmission
using the reflector, is welcome.
73, Domenico iz7slz
On 5/4/2016 12:04 PM, Domenico IZ7SLZ wrote: