Oddly, that is very nearly exactly what I'm doing
now with the test PIC module
Digitising at 40kHz and sending the results as a 12 bit
word. The first byte carries the 6 lower bits with its
highest two set to '00'
The second byte carries the upper 6 bits with its two MSBs
set to '11'. Its actually only a ten bit word as that is
all the A/D converter in the PIC can manage, the mechanism is
in place for a 12 bit value.
40kHz sampling is enough to digitise the entire 475kHz band
and leave enough margin for filter transition bands, and even
at 10 bit sampling, is fast enough to make decimation
worthwhile to expand the dynamic range.
I only did it as an exercise to prove the serial
communication link would work at that rate, but may be a
useful module to have on the shelf.
Andy G4JNT