Hi all and especially the French stations,
I just see FR5ZX active on WSPR again. I guess that WSPR-15 will not be
a good idea over that distance. But what about a QRSS-10 grabber window?
There seem to be some language barriers, so maybe one of the French
members here is in contact with FR5ZX and can "QSP" the idea? Installing
SpecLab and a grabber covering 476.180 kHz +- 50 Hz, displayed in 122
mHz and 1667 ms scroll rate, uploads each 5 minutes, should be possible.
So more stations could have a chance to leave a trace there. QRSS-10 or
DFCW-15 is a good choice i think.
What do you think?
73, Stefan
PS: Of course i can help, but not without QSP i think :-)