Hello Gary,
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Thanks, that's an option I will look into. We have a small summer
house, made of cedar, and it's tempting to put them in there, but if I
burnt it down I might as well start packing.... ;) I do have some
superb, but now considered environmentally unfriendly, and no longer
RAC approved, automatic race car fire extinguisher systems, that could
be used with some sort of smoke or heat detector to kill the TX and
trigger their discharge, but the fact I am considering such things
probably means it's not a good idea in the first place!
Best regards,
Chris 2E0ILY mailto:[email protected]
My part time LF grabber is at http://www.chriswilson.tv/grabber.html
> Chris,
> I have my loading coil & variometer in a PVC garden tool store, they come in
> all sizes.
> 73, Gary - G4WGT.