Hello Stefan.
I am very glad for you !
Good luck for your experiments.
Please, said me how meters high you need to climb up the tree to put your
equipements ? I am very afraid for you about that !
Best way for you : rent an helicopter which can carry over 1000 pounds over
a 2 miles path...
HI !
73 de Andy.
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 5:22 PM
Subject: LF: New RX location for the remote
Am 18.07.2015 10:51, schrieb DK7FC:
yesterday i officially requested a permission by the chief of the local forest
district to put some electronic equipment on a high tree in the forest!!
Solar, modules, batteries, WLAN-antenna and a box including electronic
equipment. The location is 3 km distant from the institute, much more distant
to man made noise sources then my garden and still in a direct view to arrange
the WLAN-link! No answer yet...
Official permission granted an
hour ago!
I can now prepare to build up the remote RX system in
JN49IK36 Arround the
tree where all the stuff will be mounted, there is no electricity in a radius of
> 1000 m. A large WLAN yagi will be ordered today. First tests can start
maybe this week...
73, Stefan