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> On 3 Aug 2015, at 08:45, Chris Wilson <> wrote:
> Hello Clemens,
> Tuesday, July 21, 2015
>>> There are some that go down to 200kHz but these are for the
>>> 'high sensitivity' 4410 range (just looks like a 43) which
>>> implies they might need a bit of power ...... borne out by
>>> the power range going to 10kW :)
>> Indeed there is one element from 0.2-0.535 MHz (power range from 10W to 10kW
>> full scale)
>> but only for the 4410 Model.One element covers 7 power ranges.
>> The elements fo the Bird 4410 Model are not compatible with the 43
>> Model,however.
>> The 4410 Wattmeter is quite rare to find and much more expensive than the
>> much more common 43 Model.
>> 73
>> Clemens
> Thanks Clemens, and all those who replied. I'm investigating the
> LP100A as it seems a very useful piece of kit, generally, as well as
> being available for 136kHz. Much appreciated.
> --
> Best regards,
> Chris