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LF: New QRPPP test to night on WSPR 2 MF

To: "RSGB LF Group" <>
Subject: LF: New QRPPP test to night on WSPR 2 MF
From: Guyé André <>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 18:40:50 +0200
Importance: Normal
HI all.


Last night, I tested WSPR 2 MF using 1 milli Watt ERP transmission : 1 Watt output TX, 12 dB attenuator and – 18 dB antenna efficiency.


Thanks to the 8 differents stations reports :




To night, same test but using a 22 dB attenuator instead of the 12 db. The ERP be around 0.1 milli Watt (100 micro Watt). A new challenge.


I hope some reports coming from 2200 to 0400 TU...


73 to all.


Andy F6CNI – JN19QB.

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