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LF: Eclipse March 20th 2015

To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Eclipse March 20th 2015
From: "Alan Melia" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:37:59 -0000
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=btcpcloud; t=1421077140; bh=G7Tr/FF6Z7n3GZKPnxr+GhgTChyGsnWIKjNKyDJOiak=; h=Message-ID:From:To:Subject:Date:MIME-Version:X-Mailer; b=LYWSUomcDuGf7S/I+CDXNrRvTTA++VI5E+MsoPZsOM2v0Qx+//grCW7uX/rhr1W4+IEWcj+3sDqcPCLNN3ZI+pHOgJji3P02UO7WUsYifZ6kvd2o5p8YTsxazaxxo4utGFxypK+Cx5wnoiVqzq8+FRPLQRBWcBJ+16Xk05Xy6qU=
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hi all, it may not have registered with many yet as it has not made the National TV news but there is a partial eclipse of the sun due on March 20th 2015.

As part of my involvement with the RSGB Propagation Studies Committee it occurs to me that this is a fine opportunity to roll out the capabilities of Opera, and WSPR and the monitoring network on 136 and 477kHz.

The path of the totallity pases due north of the UK with only Shetland seeing a full eclipse. The majority of the UK is rated around 80% . The most interesting paths are those from the opposite side of the path of totality. Unfortunately (or otherwise :-)) ) the only LF-active area on the other side is Iceland, and I know there is a "grabber" operator active there. I suggest some interesting results could be obtained if European stations could be active into the Iceland grabber during the period of the eclipse which is 07:40 to 11:40 UTC (I think we should be on GMT still in the UK at that date :-)) ) I am not fully sure what facilities the Icelandic operator has but maybe someone who knows him better could liaise a suitable set up.

It is obviouly not as big an event as 1999 but could prove interesting.

Alan Melia

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