Last night was the best reception of W4DEX so far in Todmorden.
S/N and phase in one hour steps -
19:00 -1.4dB
20:00 7.0dB -143.2
21:00 7.5dB 133.9
22:00 9.6dB 138.6
23:00 10.8dB 116.4
00:00 12.7dB 126.3
01:00 12.7dB 89.4
02:00 13.7dB 110.6
03:00 10.3dB 115.2
04:00 12.8dB 102.8
05:00 13.4dB 120.6
06:00 11.3dB 126.7
07:00 14.1dB 140.4
08:00 15.5dB 137.9
09:00 10.8dB -165.2
10:00 6.1dB -148.0
11:00 -3.4dB
22:00 to 10:00 was 22.4dB S/N in 23.1 uHz and averaged
11.4 dB in 278uHz.
It was a strong and steady signal with no serious phase wobbles
or drift. A beautiful line in a very narrow bandwidth spectrum,
Here's a spectrogram in a wider bandwidth
I could have received a 32 character message from Dex at 17.5
bits per hour using a rate 1/8 convolution code and coherent
BPSK modulation.
And that's just using the loop receiver. E-field reception
was very good too and if that were combined, Dex could have
sent 53 characters at 28 bits per hour!
Enough to name several cats!
Jim wrote:
> Does this mean that ERP is now well above 150uW?
No I think the ERP is the same or only slightly improved.
Signal last night averaged just under 0.12fT and is almost the
same every night. Last night the noise was low from 22:00
onwards which gave us a constant high S/N for many hours.
I'm very pleased with this reception.
Looks like Dex is continuing this long run, live spectrum
from Forest VA
updating every 10 minutes.
Paul Nicholson