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LF: WE2XPQ grant modification

To: rsgb_lf_group <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: WE2XPQ grant modification
From: Laurence KL7 L <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:45:49 -0600
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Morning all

My grant modification expanding freq coverage and ERP has been approved today 
by the OET branch of the FCC with NTIA concurrence. Its valid till 1 June 2018

All freqs are kHz, all power is ERP

71.0- 76.5   1W  fixed

135.7-137.8 10W fixed/20W mobile 250Kms radius from Palmer Alaska (unchanged)

460-480       200W/200W
505-510      50W/50W (unchanged)

 This is very positive and will greatly assist in the studies

Regards from a cold Northern Alberta today

Laurence KL7L

 (ex KL1X KL7UK AL1V)

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