----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: VLF: Transmit phase correction
Yes, Markus, my TX has been ZOA with SpecLab set to phase
all grabbers show a vy clean line never seen
before. Thanks for that .USR file.
I had problems finding a proper soundcard. At last a new sound blaster
audigi made it. But not 100%.
To get the 1PPS peaks ok, the record amplifier
must be set to 100% and no NMEA signs to receive.
with SpecLab settings not using the phase correction the
soundcard recorder must be set to abt 2% to get the 1PPS peaks and NMEA
With other soundcards – like an vy old Sound Blaster, Musen and
Generic - the 1PPS and the NMEA signs where ok when the record slider was
set to 100%. But obviously no phase correction occurred. Rainbow colours in the
Ok, it is all fine now, the trace gleams in lime green, i.e. 180°
Von: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org
Gesendet: 24.01.2014 10:30
Betreff: Re: Re: VLF: Transmit phase
Hi Uwe,
wonder if you've been
testing the phase correction scheme on air last night? The PA1SDB grabber is now
showing a nice narrow peak in 47µHz.
I have also run an
experiment with two local carriers: 8269.998 from anotherPC running SpecLab
with phase correction, and 8270.000 from a decadic syntheziser to check my
grabber's integrity. Sometime in the wee hours the
amplitude of the SpecLab trace jumped up, presumably to increased leakage
from a loose shield connection on the audio cable. But both traces
seemed to be glitch-free over many hours.
Best 73,