what you could do immediately is enable the data
export for your 47 uHz instance:
1. You will need to go to "FFT settings" and at the
bottom right set "FFT Output" to "Complex (real imaginary)". Unfortunately
this will restart the FFT aquisition so you will have to wait a few hours until
the next FFT is ready. All the other settings can just stay as they are.
2. Create a folder c:\spectrum\data4H in the
main SpecLab directory. In the SpecLab file menu, set up the FFT data export as
shown in the attached screenshot. The number of exported FFT bins
(8192 in the example) should be half of your FFT
size. Take care to correctly enter subtle details like file
format, double backslash etc.
3. This will create a new text file with each
new FFT (every 44 minutes). These can later be read opds once youÄve
set it up. Or you could send them here for me to run opds on
Good luck,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2014 1:12 PM
Subject: LF: Re: DF6NM n OPDS4H detected on the 33km
Hello Stefan, Markus, Uwe. I did not follow all mailings here,
but just now OPDS is under my attention. I have to learn a lot in short time
about this mode ans settings. Is it possible to send me the 8970 .usr files
Stefan. Not at home these day's so I can't RX on very short time.
I'm still listening in OPERA 4H 8.0 and I did decode my own test broadcast, but
no sign of your signal Uwe. Perhaps QSY tot 8970 agan in OPDS4H mode ?
Seemt to work :-)
73's and Happy new Year to you all.
Peter -
----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefan
Schäfer" <[email protected]> To:
<[email protected]> Sent:
Tuesday, December 31, 2013 6:18 PM Subject: LF: DF6NM n OPDS4H detected on
the 33km band
> Hi all, > > I'm excited. Just seen
that Markus successfully has been detected here in OPDS4H. > >
2013-12-31 18:07:58 DF6NM 175km 8970.000Hz 0mHz -58.3dBOp 100%
17.0dB > > > >
73, HNY > > Stefan/DK7FC > > >