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Re: LF: RE: [O_P_E_R_A_] Opera upgrades for 2014

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: RE: [O_P_E_R_A_] Opera upgrades for 2014
From: wolf_dl4yhf <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 00:04:41 +0100
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Hi Graham,

Am 27.12.2013 21:39, schrieb Graham:
There  are plenty of  commercial  data  mode  systems  in use  on the  Ham bands  that  are locked  and not  publicised , from  my experience , the  locked systems seem to  give a  superior level  of performance  to the  open    code  versions , pactor-4  being a  good  example , using  modern  ss techniques  achieves  high data/power  ratio , but  missing  is the  cdma  layer that  would  enhance  b/w  user efficiency  , but  that  exists in another locked data  mode , which is  free
So  where /what  is the  problem ?
There's no problem with commercial / locked systems being used on the ham bands, as long as the mode itself is open, properly specified or even documented (take PSK31, Joe's WSPR, or Stewart's WOLF for example); not plagued by software patents (which prevents it from being implemented by others, for example "D-Star" which is based on a proprietary codec, which imho makes it uncompatible with amateur radio).

Fortunately others have taken a deep dive into Opera and successfully reverse-engineered it, which -ideally- should not have been necessary if the mode was properly documented by its creator.

The problem I had -with the original Opera software- was that when trying to download it, my browser was immediately hijacked by commercial ads... trying to sell me all kinds of stuff but not a simple (stupid-_javascript_-less) file link to O-P-E-R-A ... been there, won't try again.

 Wolf .

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