Jim, Domenico,
my current SpecLab settings for VLF are
accessible through the link at the bottom of the VLF grabber http://df6nm.darc.de/vlf/vlfgrabber.htm. You
can copy these files to your c:\spectrum folder, and start instances #16 (0...24
kHz) and / or #17 (8970 Hz 0.42 mHz) from the command line or from a
desktop icon, eg:
C:\Spectrum\SpecLab.exe /inst=17
Here the signals from the antenna
are digitized in a small and cheap "3D sound" USB dongle (48 kHz,
16 bit, mono). After starting SpecLab, you will need to edit some
parameters, eg. calibrated samplerates. My narrowband instance is a bit
peculiar in that I went down to 32 kHz nominal
samplerate, which is locked to a locally generated 13928.8737 Hz
reference carrier derived from my Rb source. You might want to change
that to another CW reference (eg. one of the Alpha QRGs, or 10 kHz from a
GPS), or switch to 48 kHz samplerate and lock to one of the military
MSK signals.
There is also a template for periodic FTP
uploads. Alternatively, you could simply save screenshots to a Dropbox
public folder.
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 8:11 PM
Subject: RE: LF: 8970,022Hz
have the same (or similar) question:
have SpecLab running VLF RX almost continuously in some low-noise locations, and
would like to put the output online for open access; but I don?t know how to
port from SpecLab to my website. Should I post this question on the Yahoo
Spectrum Lab site?
Hi all DR OM
i want to
test this band and i'm looking to activate a grabber. Someone of you can provide
me a suitable .usr file for Spectrum Lab for a 9k grabber ? I have
already downloaded the sw and i want to say a big thanks to DL9YHF for his super
73, Domenico/iz7slz