Hi Stefan - these is no propagation over the Pole on 137 at the moment - Im looking at DCF39 and its way way below audible levels and just a few dBs above noise using QRSS60 slow. Loads of power line arcing due to the Wx too -
Its been very poor to date and whether this is due to higher flux or just occasional topping up of attenuation particles I can only guess. You would have thought with K=0 or low it would be a little better but poor on all LF and MF bands beyond 2000Kms, even on 1.8/3.5 it isnt brilliant. I think we still have some Proton stuff left up there which hasnt shaken down yet...
Yep running a monitor, which shared by other freq captures both in the 136 and 137 windows.
Nothing more on VLF at the moment - Im backlogged on keeping the wires up in this nasty weather here and broken "things" to fix on the desk are gathering dust :-) - Freezing rain this morning covering everything - very nasty.
Laurence KL7L
> Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 19:08:30 +0100
> From:
[email protected]> To:
[email protected]> Subject: LF: KL7...DK7 ?
> Laurence,
> There's just the sunrise on your side, the greyline is between our path.
> I was TXing DFCW-90 quite early now. Did you run monitor the band?
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19882028/LF/KL7...DK7_greyline.png A
> nice path. I would like to make it again.
> Any progress on VLF? :-)
> 73, Stefan/DK7FC