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LF: Over the icy pole

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Over the icy pole
From: Laurence KL7 L <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:43:29 -0900
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Stefan - should have added if you goto and scroll/refresh its showing (today) the two 136.17x//137.77x, dcf39 and 74khz windows. The refresh rates are mixed so it may take some time to show what your needs are. Im also listening on Op32/wspr2 on 136 dial and wspr2 474.2 and also 28MHz wspr2 tx/rx - ive taken off the VLF windows for thr time being....

Just put my snow shoes on and went down to the 10ft Octoloop to see how it was faring in the ice storm - all well at the moment.

The Decca tx is literally being dusted down and being tested driven from it the qrplabs Ultimate 2 drive source - will see what it looks like before taking off the spec analyser and dummy load.

Sadly fish and game had to come onto the property to shoot a young Moose that had a really severely broken leg and would have starved to death... 

Laurence KL7L

On Nov 22, 2013, at 9:57 AM, "Laurence KL7 L" <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Stefan - these is no propagation over the Pole on 137 at the moment - Im looking at DCF39 and its way way below audible levels and just a few dBs above noise using QRSS60 slow. Loads of power line arcing due to the Wx too -

Its been very poor to date and whether this is due to higher flux or just occasional topping up of attenuation particles I can only guess.  You would have thought with K=0 or low it would be a little better but poor on all LF and MF bands beyond 2000Kms, even on 1.8/3.5 it isnt brilliant.  I think we still have some Proton stuff left up there which hasnt shaken down yet...

Yep running a monitor, which shared by other freq captures  both in the 136 and 137 windows.

Nothing more on VLF  at the moment - Im backlogged on keeping the wires up in this nasty weather here and broken "things" to fix on the desk are gathering dust :-) - Freezing rain this morning covering everything - very nasty.

Laurence KL7L

> Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 19:08:30 +0100
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: LF: KL7...DK7 ?
> Laurence,
> There's just the sunrise on your side, the greyline is between our path.
> I was TXing DFCW-90 quite early now. Did you run monitor the band?
> A
> nice path. I would like to make it again.
> Any progress on VLF? :-)
> 73, Stefan/DK7FC
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