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Re: LF: WSPR-15 on LF

Subject: Re: LF: WSPR-15 on LF
From: Stefan Schäfer <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 13:21:16 +0200
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Hello Domenico, Jay, LF,

Thank you for the reports. Also thanks to Jay, John, Halldór and all the others for the WSPR-15 reports. Domenico, i didn't know that you are member of the reflector. Very nice to see new OMs coming here.

Unfortunately the propagation didn't hold between Japan and Germany last night. There must have been some solar activity stuff. Yesterday i read in the my amateur radio magazine that it appears that this will be the lowest solar activity 11 year period since 100 years. They are all sad about it. But why? LF propagation is much better when solar activity is low! ;-)

Now the propagation in the northern hemisphere really improves. There were a few decodes last night reaching to W1VD and UA0SNV, ~6000 km to the east and ~6000 km to the west, in the same time slot! :-)

Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az
 2013-10-23 22:00   DK7FC   0.137610   -32   0   JN49ik   1   W1VD   FN31ls   6099   295 
 2013-10-23 22:00   DK7FC   0.137610   -30   0   JN49ik   1   WD2XES   FN42ch   5981   295 
 2013-10-23 22:00   DK7FC   0.137610   -33   0   JN49ik   1   UA0SNV   OO18jb   5745   42 

73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 24.10.2013 10:52, schrieb ing. Domenico Lindo:
Hi Stefan,
here the reports of your signal received last nigth in JN80nu. Some of these spot were not sent in due to failure at internet connection (LF is more reliable than WiFi !)

0000  -16   0.1    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0030  -19   0.1    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0100  -14  -0.6    0.137611    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0130  -13  -0.2    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0200  -14   0.1    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0230  -13   0.1    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0300  -10   0.4    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0330  -12  -0.2    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0400   -9  -0.2    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0430   -7   0.1    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0500  -21   0.4    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0530  -30  -0.6    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30
0600  -33  -0.2    0.137610    0   DK7FC         JN49     30

Receiver: Kenwood R-5000 - antenna 7 m whip

73, Domenico / iz7slz
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