Only -39 ! must be all those new
building works !
What is the opds calibrated to ? as Op is showing
a stronger signal , average or peak ?
, Op32 is expected to bottom at ~ -41 dB
2013-10-19 19:40:33 DK7FC 5745km 137560.109Hz 3mHz -43.0dBOp 100% 20.3dB
19:40 136 DK7FC de UA0SNV Op32 3568 mi -39 dB in
Ust-Ilimsk = +2 or +3 dB over
the limit
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2013 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: LF: T/A OPDS
Markus and OPDS fans,
On the page of UA0SNV,
i just found this text:
UA0SNV OO18JB Opera-32 correlation http://df6nm.bplaced.net/opera/opds.zip
date time call distance frequency bandwidth snr correlation
2013-10-19 19:00:33 DK7FC 5745km 137560.111Hz 5mHz -49.1dBOp 81% 15.7dB
2013-10-19 18:20:32 DK7FC 5745km 137560.110Hz 5mHz -44.1dBOp 100% 19.1dB So
it also works over the land path of that distance.
It appears to me that,
if the transmitted coherent signal and the receiver is stable, the x-mHz reading
says something about the phase stability of the path (?).
Markus, good
luck! In an hour or so i willy QSY to 472 kHz CW but will be back at
73, Stefan/DK7FC