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Re: LF: X1M Chinese QRP HF Transverter transmitting well on 475khz

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: X1M Chinese QRP HF Transverter transmitting well on 475khz
From: "Graham" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 13:11:11 +0100
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Looks  like the  rig is  a  'handful' to  use  !

Spec lists 100KHz as min tx , so that should be possible , cat the same as IC 718 , what is the spectrum like with no bp filter ?

this  could   free  up a  whole room hihi

73 -G,

From: "Marco Scholz" <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 11:36 AM
To: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: X1M Chinese QRP HF Transverter transmitting well on 475khz

Received on the weekend the Chinese X1M HF-Transceiver. This Rig can transmit from abt. 0.1 - 30MHz, but has only bandpass filters on 80,40,29,15 and 10m band. So i tried 475kHz with a external bandpass filter and i got 5W in USB or CW (Not tried it, but this should work as well on 137KHz). In combination with a bigger PA a relativ easy way to transmit on the low bands.

Marco, DD7PC

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