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Re: LF: PIC based designs

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: PIC based designs
From: "C. Groeger" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 14:58:17 +0200
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Hi Pete,
I was thinking you're still working with tubes...;-)
73, df5qg

Christian Groeger

M0FMT <[email protected]> schrieb:

>Hi all 
>This is an open letter to all PIC based designers form a frustrated 
>As with all construction articles that contain a Micro Processor chip is that  
>the one vital ingredient to make it is the HEX code. It is as vital as the 
>0.01 mF decoupling capacitor that goes across the Vcc to ground.  
>It is IMHO and most guys I have spoken to over the air that a construction 
>article that has a PIC in the BOM is so much wasted paper. The Radcom being a 
>typical magazine that delights in publishing the schematic of a PIC based 
>project but doesn't publish the Hex script. My guess is the so called editors 
>have no construction experience and do not understand the significance of what 
>they are publishing. I think peoples hearts sink when they look down the BOM 
>and see 16F84 or what ever. 
>The people who look at these sorts of articles are constructor like me not 
>Code designers otherwise they wouldn't need a construction article at all, 
>because they would be busily designing there own code .... wouldn't they. I 
>have a G3---  friend who is a great constructor. Nothing in his shack is 
>commercial ready made. He has a prodigious output of excellent TX and RX 
>designs, keyers and SDR projects, nothing with a PIC. I have encouraged him to 
>take advantage of the facility to be found in a PIC based project but he 
>considers them black magic. Because of the RADCOM and other mags that trot 
>these PIC based projects out with little concern if any one actually builds 
>them they are referred to as space fillers of little interest and are 
>intensely frustrating. This sort of incomplete article can be an ego trip for 
>the writer with the publishing editor oblivious to what is in the big blank 
>square in the middle of the schematic.
>So this mail is an appeal to you and all other PIC based designers please, 
>please publish the HEX code. It doesn't take much space on a page and simple 
>for someone to scan the code and use word recognition software to convert it 
>along with a bit of manual editing if necessary. Otherwise I would say don't 
>bother publishing your designs.
>Sorry for the venting but just going through yet another "Oh B*!$$er it's got 
>a PIC in it" article that looked promising.
>73 es GL Pete M0FMT IO91UX
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