This has not been discussed in the Norwegian ham community, and because
of LA4LN's solo act, I am not a member of NRRL any more.
LA5VNA Steinar
Den 09.05.2013 10:36, skrev Rik Strobbe:
> Dear all,
> those active on 630m might be interested in the outcome of the discussion of
> paper C4_06 (Bandplan for the 630 m band proposed by NRRL) at the Committee
> C4 (HF Matters) Interim Meeting (20-21 April 2013, Vienna):
> 4.5 Paper C4_06 was presented by LA4LN
> RSGB stated that they support the principle of a band plan, but that it is
> too early to have a formal plan until the usage is better known.
> DARC stated that the usage of the band at the moment doesn’t really require a
> band plan.
> DARC introduced a plan "proposed usage" (see Annex 1).
> ZRS asked if the CW DX frequency could be moved a little higher up the band.
> DARC noted that there are still 4 NDBs in the band. They also asked if the
> QRSS CW segment could be moved out of the CW part of the band as it is
> decoded as a digimode. DARC also said there is currently no need for a
> coordinated beacon segment as we can use the existing NDBs.
> OeVSV said we should observe the band usage for a while before deciding on a
> fixed band plan and suggested that centres of activity could be used also.
> UBA stated it is too early to propose a band plan.
> It was agreed to show current plan as proposed usage and to review at the
> next general conference.
> CRC stated that we should not show a plan as the current users would not
> appreciate being told how to use the band.
> The meeting agreed to change the wording to a ‘proposed usage’ plan and that
> frequencies should be referred to as centre of activities.
> DARC introduced a plan "proposed usage".
> [cid:2bd9b952-2278-4148-b306-9c41271fd880]
> 73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T