Hello Yuki,
Thanks for the grabber link and RX site description. That sound quite
perfect. So i assume you could have good chances to see traces of me.
I began to transmit on 136.172 kHz in DFCW-180 anyway, starting another
season with watching LF stations in VK. So you are invited to join in :-)
I'm TXing from 16...23 UTC, many days per week. But it looks like that
is just the time your RX is OFF. Can you find a solution?
Here is an example of what Kuni/JA7NI got from me a few months ago:
And this is the best result ever in VK:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19882028/LF/DK7FC-VK2DDI.jpg right to that
time in the year!
73, Stefan/DK7FC JN49ik
Am 16.03.2013 23:55, schrieb 間 幸久/JA5FP:
hello Stefan,
With UA0AET, I"ve gotten DFCW trace and WSPR-15 decode.
My RX will be on restricted 23:00-15:00utc due to battery power.
Independent Rx site is 100m apart from nearby housing or power line.
Detected audio is relayed via VHF FM TX to me.
I'm encouraging your sending DFCW and WSPR-15.
I"ll try for get EU, and you can see my own grabber at:
73 de Yuki/JA5FP QM05cq