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Re: LF: Beacon to the west

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: Beacon to the west
From: "Alan Melia" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:44:03 -0000
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; t=1361389618; bh=SdcYqATlFX7/BXOPQDntQ0BmMDb4hTJZo3AVorlI4Dg=; h=X-Yahoo-Newman-Id:X-Yahoo-Newman-Property:X-YMail-OSG:X-Yahoo-SMTP:Received:Message-ID:From:To:References:Subject:Date:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding:X-Priority:X-MSMail-Priority:X-Mailer:X-MimeOLE:X-Antivirus:X-Antivirus-Status; b=u3cV3cf6GfCSOsqVQRupxBU5mDzEhmXYQ7ktpqM+X57JXMuLA2oRwfxZmNqmyYRn10p15/mzv3jx/w1qWsBqf0MpAZWYAGyVJph2+cidlcxj0nL4nfVz5t1yyShodalk/Cy0+MqmZKsae0ssWhSfVwk9H2RiOLstXzXfF+NUoQ4=
References: <> <> <001301ce0f67$423300d0$6401a8c0@JAYDELL> <6CCB8568E37648CFB765B787E462B4DA@gnat> <003801ce0f7b$1c63f530$6401a8c0@JAYDELL>
Thanks for that Jay I will factor that into my musings   :-))
I think that is within the range I have been that is very useful data. You put the finger on the difficulty of knowing how much the local noise level has shifted, but this is where your long experience is an advantage.
I have a vast amount of data the problem is thinking of a way of displaying 
it that will stimulate some new ideas.....plenty to fill my waking hours 
----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Beacon to the west


Thanks for your comments.

Based on Spectrum Lab's s/n measurement, along with that of WSPR, I would say that we are in a period where signals are down roughly 6 - 10 dB on the EU > NA T/A path as compared to a month ago. There have been a few nights where the noise floor was elevated due to thunderstorms in the US but I am not including them in my observation.

p.s. I rarely use Argo any more since it is virtually impossible to determine s/n of the received signals.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Melia" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: LF: Beacon to the west

Hi Jay I am still pondering this, plotting Dst against "period receive signal exceeds xdB" gives a interesting but not very illumination picture. It provides a cut off when theDstis depressed, but it shows a wide range of received signals when the Dst is high (towards zero nT). I am still looking for another factor.
By "quiet period" I mean Kp <2 for 10 days or more.... really quiet 
geomagnetically and signal levels seem to be unexpectedly poor. Then 
signals seem to improve after a low level event say Kp=4 . That led to my 
idea of ionospheric "leak".
However taking a quick look at the recent conditions, things look active 
enough to be "normal". It is very confusing but I am looking to see if it 
could be explained by just an unfavourable path length/fading. 
Unfortunately one needs several stations in different location to either 
tranmit, or several receiving stations to receive the same signal to see 
the effect of this. If some paths are unfavouable other should be 
One problem also is I do not know what a "subjectively" worse signal 
means, does it mean 10dB ?? Most likely not waterfal displays are very 
non-linear so it might only be a dB or two. That could easily be expained 
by a fading pattern involving say three different hop modes.
There was a grab recently that shoed Stefan and Markus. Markus was fading 
to a "ragged" trace at times whereas Stefan was solid all the time, 
though they were probably seeing similar fading conditions.
I am still not convinced that there is not some other effect but I cant 
find anything:-))  Bit like "Dark Propagation" :-))
Best Wishes

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Beacon to the west


Good copy last night ... although some dB short of the 'best' conditions. Seem to recall Alan mentioning that prolonged 'quiet' periods can be less favorable than those that feature some 'ups and downs'. Maybe Alan will chime in.
Representative capture below. Copy past 0800Z at  ... if you squint hard enough.

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