I remain unconvinced that WSPR15 offers much advantage over WSPR2 on 630m.
Below are the distance records for the 2 modes as accurate as I can be
from the Data Base. I have ignored obvious false decodes, dial frequency
settings errors and decodes by ET. There may be other genuine decodes
hidden in there.
The entry's below are in distance order, I cannot include everything
there will be stations between the distances included.
What is obvious is the difference between the first 2 entries.16832 Km
is Exceptional, 7602 Km is Good.
We soon get to a category of below 2500Km which I will label as
Pathetic. Why? Because of the 14th entry, here we have a pathetic time
waster with a laughable tiny back yard antenna surrounded by houses,
trees and metal masts and the fool is running QRP.:-)
2013-02-16 16:44 VK1DSH 0.475078 -29 0 QF44ms
+47 50.119 F6CNI/BEV JN19qb 16832 10459
2013-02-05 03:46 WE2XGR/2 0.475813 -30 0 FN31ls
+30 1.000 SV8CS KM07js 7602 4724
2013-02-05 04:16 WE2XGR/2 0.475813 -29 0 FN31ls
+30 1.000 SV8CS KM07js 7602 4724
2013-02-05 04:46 WE2XGR/2 0.475813 -34 0 FN31ls
+43 19.953 SV8CS KM07js 7602 4724
2013-02-02 03:36 DK7FC 0.475686 -25 0 JN49ik
+30 1.000 WE2XGR/2 FN31ls 6099 3790
2013-02-02 04:00 DK7FC 0.475685 -24 0 JN49ik
+30 1.000 WD2XSH/17 FN42pb 5927 3683
2013-02-02 00:36 DK7FC 0.475685 -29 0 JN49ik
+30 1.000 WD2XSH/17 FN42pb 5927 3683
2013-01-18 02:00 PA0O 0.475780 -28 0 JO33hg
+33 1.995 WE2XGR/2 FN31ls 5796 3601
2013-01-18 02:22 PA0O 0.475780 -27 0 JO33hg
+33 1.995 WE2XGR/2 FN31ls 5796 3601
2013-01-18 02:40 PA0O 0.475780 -28 0 JO33hg
+33 1.995 WE2XGR/2 FN31ls 5796 3601
2013-01-18 00:28 SM6BHZ 0.475720 -24 0 JO57wq
+27 0.501 WD2XSH/17 FN42pb 5768 3584
2013-01-18 00:32 SM6BHZ 0.475720 -19 0 JO57wq
+27 0.501 WD2XSH/17 FN42pb 5768 3584
2013-01-18 00:34 SM6BHZ 0.475720 -18 0 JO57wq
+27 0.501 WD2XSH/17 FN42pb 5768 3584
2013-01-18 03:16 G8IMR 0.475810 -34 0 IO90iv
+33 1.995 W1VD FN31ls 5379 3342
2013-02-18 21:16 DL3NDR 0.475820 -28 0 JN59no
+27 0.501 TF3HZ HP94ad 2531 1573
2013-02-18 23:30 DL3NDR 0.475820 -31 -2 JN59no
+27 0.501 TF3HZ HP94ad 2531 1573
2013-02-19 03:30 DL3NDR 0.475820 -36 -2 JN59no
+27 0.501 TF3HZ HP94ad 2531 1573
2013-01-23 21:16 LA6TPA 0.475808 -36 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F59706 JN07th 1999 1242
2013-01-26 20:16 LA6TPA 0.475801 -36 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F59706 JN07th 1999 1242
2013-01-26 18:00 LA6TPA 0.475808 -38 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F59706 JN07th 1999 1242
2013-01-30 21:44 LA6TPA 0.475680 -27 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F59706 JN07th 1999 1242
2013-01-30 21:40 LA6TPA 0.475673 -22 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F59706 JN07th 1999 1242
2013-01-30 21:36 LA6TPA 0.475666 -27 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F59706 JN07th 1999 1242
2013-02-18 21:22 G4JNT 0.475737 -27 0 IO90iv
+33 1.995 TF3HZ HP94ad 1904 1183
2013-02-18 21:34 G4JNT 0.475737 -25 0 IO90iv
+33 1.995 TF3HZ HP94ad 1904 1183
2013-02-18 21:44 G4JNT 0.475737 -25 0 IO90iv
+33 1.995 TF3HZ HP94ad 1904 1183
2013-02-07 22:16 LA6TPA 0.475822 -38 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F5WK-W15 JN18hp 1838 1142
2013-02-16 22:16 LA6TPA 0.475803 -36 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F5WK-W15 JN18hp 1838 1142
2013-02-16 22:00 LA6TPA 0.475802 -33 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F5WK-W15 JN18hp 1838 1142
2013-02-16 22:56 LA6TPA 0.475731 -30 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F5WK JN18hp 1838 1142
2013-02-16 22:52 LA6TPA 0.475723 -30 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F5WK JN18hp 1838 1142
2013-02-16 22:54 LA6TPA 0.475723 -28 0 JP54rl
+10 0.010 F5WK JN18hp 1838 1142
2013-02-21 21:06 DK7FC 0.475688 -7 0 JN49ik
+30 1.000 OH6JKN KP22xk 1789 1112
2013-02-21 21:12 DK7FC 0.475688 -2 0 JN49ik
+30 1.000 OH6JKN KP22xk 1789 1112
2013-02-21 21:18 DK7FC 0.475688 -3 0 JN49ik
+30 1.000 OH6JKN KP22xk 1789 1112
2013-01-21 23:24 G3ZJO 0.475669 -27 0 IO92ng
+7 0.005 OH1LSQ KP03td 1785 1109
2013-01-21 23:12 G3ZJO 0.475669 -26 0 IO92ng
+7 0.005 OH1LSQ KP03td 1785 1109
2013-01-21 23:02 G3ZJO 0.475669 -25 0 IO92ng
+7 0.005 OH1LSQ KP03td 1785 1109
73 Eddie G3ZJO