----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 4:24
Subject: Re: LF: Luxemburg effect
here in central
Europe, muffled voices and music are audible on DCF and HGA every
night, and often during winter days as well. Yes I'm sure it really is
Luxembourg effect, aka ICM for ionospheric cross modulation. I find it hard to
believe that you can't hear it - maybe you're lucky in that you are
located further away from potential ionospheric heaters.
Best 73,
using a resonant Marconi for receive, connected to the passive mixer
stage through a 30 dB attenuator.
-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: mal hamilton
<[email protected]>
An: rsgb
<[email protected]>
Verschickt: Di, 27 Nov 2012 3:25
Betreff: LF: Luxemburg effect etc
I would suggest what most are hearing is not the
Luxemburg effect but cross modulation, Inter Modulation, Rx front end overload
all due to poor antennas or poor Pre amps ahead of the Rx or the RX
Active uProbe antennas overloaded driving the preamp
into non linear mode. Some amateur band receivers are more prone to this than
I have never had this problem using resonated wire
antennas as long and as high as possible and NO preamps
de G3KEV