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Re: LF: Testing JT9-2 on 474KHz dial + 1440Hz

Subject: Re: LF: Testing JT9-2 on 474KHz dial + 1440Hz
From: Stefan Schäfer <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 18:32:52 +0100
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
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OK Joe,

Maybe it works later in the night in CW, if the QRN is lower. Maybe 6 dB SNR were missed to read your sigs. Let's try again soon! Maybe this night?
73, Stefan

Am 16.11.2012 18:26, schrieb Joe DF2JP:
Hi Stefan,
sorry I was out again. Tnx for the reports.
No sorry, not at the moment,  need to replace the loading coil but it´s to
dark now.
Will try to qso with Marco, DD7PC later this evening.

Btw, yes it was me yesterday in CW but there was a very deep qsb you were
peaking 559. I´m to weak for CW, output is abt. 40 watts.

73 Joe

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