To: Users of WSJT-X
From: Joe Taylor, K1JT
A new revision of WSJT-X has been posted. As usual, a link to it
appears on the WSJT web site:
The following is a direct link to the installation file:
Changes from v0.4 r2731 include the following:
1. Valid signal reports are now generated by double-clicking on a
callsign in the decoded text window.
2. Consecutive spaces in a Tx message are now collapsed into a single space.
3. Decoding speed is much improved, especially when strong (possibly
non-JT9) signals are present and "Tol" is set to a relatively large value.
4. Scaling of the "JT9 Sync" plot (red curve) is more reasonable.
5. Layout of widgets on the main window has been improved.
6. Several minor bug fixes.
As always, your feedback on the new revision will be greatly appreciated!
-- 73, Joe, K1JT