The signal is very strong here but decode is not

2340********* 0.4 1431.05 0.00 DK7FC JN49IK
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Stefan Schäfer
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012 00:34
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: LF: Who has two cats?
Hello Halldór,
Thank you and congratulations! I have no decode so far :-/ But i want
try to decode my own signal on a Win7 PC soon, just to check if that
makes a difference here.
Now switched to JT9-5. I saw the program is limited to 1200 Hz in that
range, i.e. to 137.2 kHz. But i want to stay in the allocated digi mode
range of the LF band plan. So one has to turn the dial to 136.3 kHz and
then i am at 1140 Hz (ish) again.
73, Stefan
Am 30.10.2012 00:11, schrieb Halldór:
> My first decode JT-9
> 2304 10 -21 0.4 1442.77 0.00 I HAVE 2 CATS
> 73
> Halldór