Hello George,
Thank you for the grabber service! Very fast progress on your side. And
congratulations to the reception of JA7NI!!
I will do my best to leave a trace there but it seems not to be really
easy. The distance is 10413 km, mostly over land. Just finished a
sequence of 3x my call in DFCW-180 which is the best mode for detections
in VK. Actually our path is about the same direction and "only" 2/3 of
the distance but it is a challenge anyway.
If you have some free space for file upload, it would be interesting to
have a plot of DCF-39 on your grabber page. Updating each 30 minutes
would be sufficient. It is to get an overview of current propagation
from EU.
There are several grabbers running a DCF plot, such as
You already have the grabber page overview at
http://wireless.org.uk/grablist.htm (just to complete here for eventual
other newcomers).
Vy 73, CU!
Am 06.10.2012 17:53, schrieb George Szymanski:
I have started a grabber page,
Hopefully it will grow into something useful!
Any comments and requests gratefully received.
73 de George, DU1GM