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Re: LF: 477

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: 477
From: "mal hamilton" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 07:52:01 -0000
References: <000a01cd4c0e$aa4abbd0$0401a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf> <>
Hi Jan
But a good operator will TUNE the band for replies to a CQ and not just
listen on one frequency especially QSX procedure.
When I CQ on 500 I also QSX 472 -  479 ie Search the band for any replies.
also when I QSX 7033 I always search around the frequency. To me this is
normal procedure
73 and tnx for advising DK7FC to look around for me !! He never would have
found me otherwise !!
You are a good signal on 500 anytime of day/night and hear me all the time
so the DL stns should hear me daytime as well for a qso.

Will be  chasing EU dx today Sunday and searching 472 - 479  for replies
also EU stns pse search 501 - 504 for G23KEV

De Mal/g3kev

----- Original Message -----
From: "pa3abk" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: LF: 477

> Mal,
> Consider this as how things are within the EU.
> Stefan is initially listening on 477,5 he has his computer (WebSDR) on
> 502, you were calling 501,7 (I guess)
> How many more variables you want to get things wrong.
> I took the liberty to "sneaky" advise him to have a look at your desires
> He instantly responded.
> We have the luxery of two MF bands.
> Don't think our  "Behörde" will act rapidly until 31/12 when the present
> license expires.
> It's a matter of costs.
> Meanwhile I see a lot of DL stations becoming QRV with nice sigs.
> What more do we want?
> Your QSO with Stefan,  his sigs peaked around S-8 here, looks vy
> promissing with only 50W under his key.
> As he explained, he is quite "new" and his RX bandpass is not tuned to
> the highband MF.
> Nevertheless his efforts and enthousiasm should not be curbed.
> Jan/pa3abk
> On 17-6-2012 0:23, mal hamilton wrote:
> > DK7FC calling CQ but no reply to my call  on 502 SAME OLD PROBLEM HE
> > HAS NO EARS on this band either !!!!!!!!!!!
> > de g3kev
> --
> pa3abk<->  dordrecht jo21it

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