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Re: LF: Re: UA4WPF G8HUH 2200m 3615 kms !

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: Re: UA4WPF G8HUH 2200m 3615 kms !
From: "Gary G4WGT" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 20:51:26 +0100
In-reply-to: <9A96CF2EAC05426B8E4116CFA2AE060A@AGB>
References: <EB771BBC5076443EA689F08CCC5A0448@AGB> <4813845C7E3B4B6487DB19F8C83086B9@GaryPC> <3E9AEF72E4944B18BB87D25133AFB187@AGB> <D3C4460DA6124F2BAA9865BFDC80074E@GaryPC> <1CCF221D62B742E5AA0705B005C8D88F@GaryPC> <9A96CF2EAC05426B8E4116CFA2AE060A@AGB>
Yes, interesting comparisons there....especially Op4H.
My 500/136 antenna feed/coupling transformer is wound on a couple of large toroids. When I change from 500 to 136 I only need to change the primary & secondary by 2 turns, of course I do add more base loading inductance for 136kHz.
The primary is floating ie. no direct connection from the feed ground to the antenna ground, that works best for me. (attached)
73, Gary - G4WGT.
----- Original Message -----
From: Graham
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re: UA4WPF G8HUH 2200m 3615 kms !

OK Gary ,
A spectacular  launch for the  new system by  any  standard , full data decode  !
Yes , good  point , the  actual  minimum decode level is  now  slightly  better  than the  first  versions , but  OP2  s/n is  about the same as  wspr , so  that should give  a reference  as  the  original  s/n  was  calibrated  using   Fldigi  and wspr  as  the  benchmark, J  came to  the  conclusion that  the  levels where  not  realistic and  revised the  calibration , using  the  path-sim   software.
If  you  subtract   8 dB ,  is that  close to the  original   level  , if  wspr  shows   -34 dB  to  Opera ( and Ros)    -26  dB for the  same  conditions ?  OP8 is then  -40 dB   old money  and  OP32  is  49 ...
Interestingly   that  makes   Opera  4H   audio  - 55 dB  old money ...
Tempted to  try  136  as well , I assume , A big  series  inductor with the  500  tuner  set up  would  bring  everything  into  resonance ... or at least  be a  starting  point ?.......but  what  of the  auto  feed  transformer  , if  thats  non  reactive , then  the  frequency  should  not  change the  50 ohm  Tx  view  ??
73 -G..
The  eating  of the  pudding  is  in the  proof as they say  after  2200 hrs , the  first TA  decode  was  OP8   @  3667 K  , using  a Parasol-on-a-Stick   MK1  back garden array  Tx  Ae

From: Gary G4WGT
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re: UA4WPF G8HUH 2200m 3615 kms !

Graham, LF,
I have omitted the December 2011 decode of VO1MRC on 136kHz with Op8 in the other direction giving a distance of 3667km.
Of course conditions would be very good then, not able to compare the -20dB S/N due to changes in the way it is now calculated.
73, Gary - G4WGT.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gary G4WGT
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re: UA4WPF G8HUH 2200m 3615 kms !

I bet your ears are still frying bacon & rattling morse out :-)
Probably will be Op32, my nearest to that in Op8 is...
20:51 136 RW3ADB Op8 -34 dB 2553 km

..........-34dB being about the limit of Op8

73, Gary - G4WGT.

Original Message -----
From: Graham
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re: UA4WPF G8HUH 2200m 3615 kms !

OK ,still  recovering  from  listening to  white noise for  6  hours  last night  , once a year  is  enough  of this  modern   CW ,  vintage  MGM-CW   is far less  of a  frazzle    
Assume that  was  OP32  at that  range  ?
Tnx -G.
From: Gary G4WGT
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 3:17 PM
Subject: LF: Re: UA4WPF G8HUH 2200m 3615 kms !

Just a slight correction :-
>and check the 'spots only from' box,
Should read.....and un-check the "All Spots" box, you will then have a local copy of band data.
73, Gary - G4WGT.
----- Original Message -----
From: Graham
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 2:24 PM
Subject: LF: UA4WPF G8HUH 2200m 3615 kms !

Opera  136 Up Date 
Following  on from the  previous, some  interesting   developments , on 136 , If your  station  is  web-linked  , then  in either   Rx  only  , Tx  only  or   Tx/Rx  you   will  show  on the   PSK-Reporting  map, this  was  set to  ensure  the  status of both  Tx  and  Rx  stations  was  available to  all. after all  one  is no  use without the  other !
As  there  is  still  no  'dedicated storage'  for the  on-line  data , If you  wish  to  monitor  activity on a  particular  band , you  can  simply  run Opera , set to the  required  band and  check the  'spots only from'   box ,  you  will  then  have a  local  copy of  band  data .  some  stations  have  added   text to the  beacon 'test only - no RF'  or  similar to  prevent misinterpretation.
NB :  These are  full  DATA call sign  decodes , so  are  the  bare  minimal  exchange  required  to  claim a  qsl  or  qso for  1  or 2  way , Opera  is  purely based on Data processing  and  Digital signal processing and has 'no'   deep search  or fuzzy  logic  decisions to   assist in the data  recovery , similarly  for the  QSO  option,   allowing 15  Chrs  to  be  send in 120 seconds at  a  nominal  -20 dB s/n   (ref to  Sim-Path simulation  software)
UA4WPF  decoded  by   G8HUH 2200m OPERA 3615 kms 00:39:25
This seems to  be  OP32  mode , but  monitoring  stations  can  run   'two'  opera  sessions  , from the  same  sound card/pc , set  OP8  and  OP32
JH1GVY JH1INM 2200m OPERA 153 kms 02:03:37
JH1GVY   recent  Tx  addition to the  JA  group  of  8   136   beacons regularly showing  on the  psk map
From VK2DDI by VK2DDI Loc QF55HF
Welcome activity from  down under
Decodes  over  24  hours
Txmtr Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
UA4WPF G8HUH 2200m OPERA 3615 kms 00:39:25
UA4WPF UA0SNV-1 2200m OPERA 2890 kms 21:19:52
UA0AET UA4WPF 2200m OPERA 2402 kms 18:33:09
UA4WPF RW3ADB 2200m OPERA 986 kms 00:39:21
UA4WPF RN3AGC 2200m OPERA 973 kms 00:39:02
JH1GVY JH1INM 2200m OPERA 153 kms 02:03:37
JH1GVY JF1PSS 2200m OPERA 104 kms 02:03:35
JH1GVY 7L1RLL/1 2200m OPERA 102 kms 02:03:35
JP1ODJ JH1INM 2200m OPERA 83 kms 02:37:16
JH1GVY JA8SCD 2200m OPERA 83 kms 02:03:36
JH1GVY JP1ODJ 2200m OPERA 72 kms 03:33:09
JP1ODJ 7L1RLL/1 2200m OPERA 46 kms 02:24:04
JP1ODJ JA8SCD 2200m OPERA 43 kms 22:17:03
JP1ODJ JH1ARY 2200m OPERA 37 kms 02:37:17
JP1ODJ JF1PSS 2200m OPERA 35 kms 02:37:15
RN3AGC RW3ADB 2200m OPERA 32 kms 23:04:32

Attachment: transformer.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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