Roelof - sounds good - we are about 1000Kms South of PVQ here in South Central Alaska and Im sure your going to get good responses about getting into the night side ionosphere about 1400Kms from Amsterdam on that Rhum line bearing but the sun is pretty low too so prob absorption is pretty low (perhaps - Ill leave it to the experts!) - however with the K at level and the location of the Auroral oval its going to be interesting -
the auroral oval during highly disturbed periods - I was at Ward Hunt Island at 83N in March 89 (or was it 86!) on North Pole expedition when a very large Geo storm hit - had me dismanting connectors and checking the Front end of the Military transmitters it was so so quiet. It was like being in a goldfish bowl - comms inside were actually very good, but very weak for pass crossing out and across the Oval to the South (its all to the South just about) - one way traffic or the "diode effect" I called it.
Just to let you know the Pa0rdt probe continues to work very well up there - its within a dB of the main 2 element K9AY on quiet days at 137 and sometimes does better - its odd to compare a small piece of copper clad to something that covers 0.5 acre but there you go - all very location and angle dependent of course.
controlled from somewhere else.
> To:
[email protected]> Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 17:14:49 +0100
> From:
[email protected]> Subject: Re: LF: KL7 to Eu results
> Hello Laurence,
> Maybe this is a bit of topic, but this week we found a new window for
> listening to NDB's from Alaska.
> PVQ-376, Put River Deadhorse, has been heard in the UK as early as 14:30
> UTC.
> A little later it faded out in the UK and was heard with a strong signal
> in Normandy.
> LUR-385, Cape Lisburne was also heard in Normandy in the afternoon here,
> around 15:30 UTC.
> Though just 200 km to the east, I could not hear these signals.
> Last night PVQ-376 was incredible strong for hours starting at 03:00 UTC.
> When I switched the radio on this afternoon, PVQ-376 was already audible
> and I listen to it while I type this.
> Now a question for the propagation experts.
> At the time the aurora index was 5.
> Should it be possible for these signals to pass over the pole, or is the
> path probably along the border of the oval zone and along the Russian
> Arctic Sea coast and off the coast of Norway?
> 73,
> Roelof, pa0rdt