Sri, must adjust my findings somewhat.
See attachment.
Horst is running Op15 a 15 min run.
What I showed was just the pause between two transmissions. Indeed you
see nothing...
See attachment for the real screen shot.
He is the second line from the top.
That one was rewarded with :
22:09 DI2AN 500 Op15 -1 dB 206 km @ 122
Above raise me a question how Opera the -1dB figure determines.
I noticed that if I switch to 2,4kHz bandwidth the value will be
considerable less.
This screenshot was taken with 170Hz filter.
I also know that WSPR figures are based on 2,5kHz bandwidth and you can
cosmeticly pull this figure up by narrowing the bandwidth and/or insert
a notchfilter.
Does Opera do the same ?
On 6-1-2012 22:34, pa3abk wrote:
Detected DI2AN/Horst on 505.150kHz.
Opera said:
21:03 DI2AN 500 Op15 -8 dB 206 km @ 122
21:19 DI2AN 500 Op15 -7 dB 206 km @ 122
But look at the SpecLab picture (attachment) can't trace the sigs in
of his 2119utc transmission.
Notice the "heavy" beacon competition.
His sig should be somewhere on the 1500Hz line
pa3abk<-> dordrecht jo21it
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