Crazy Guy! :-)
You're watching LF EU60 dring driving? :-)
Yes, there was good copy also at W4DEX. Mike/G3XDV is also visible
until 8 UTC. Not its the time to flip from "have a loooong LF evening"
to "stand up early in the morning"...
There was a faint trace in AK again this morning, about 7:30 UTC. Very
short but on the right QRG, indicating that some dB are missed...
Looking forward for the next try which is tonite :-)
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 19.12.2011 03:14, schrieb Laurence KL7UK:
Nothing from Gus yet Stefan - but your stronger down
here in Oklahoma tonight and even some characters decoded as Im driving
Laurence KL7UK mobile 5