Good CW signal (559) from DK7FC/P but he cannot hear my calls.
I am visible on DF6NM's grabber and have had several CW QSOs
with DL in the past, so I think Stefan has some receive problems
at his portable site.
Mike, G3XDV
> I'm going to do a CW activity now with my portable equipment and will
> be QRV on *136.5 kHz in CW *from a portable location in the forest,
> some 2 km distant to the man made noise. It's cold outside so it
> depends on the activity how long i will be QRV.
> QSOs or reports are highle apprechiated. Conds seem to be excellent
> for local CW.
> I expect you will hear my signal :-)
> Looking forward to hear you. QRV in about 30 to 45 minutes. I'm using
> my ferrite antenna so maybe it is necessary to call several times in
> case you are in the null of the pattern...
> 73, Stefan/DK7FC