Sorry to hear about the break-in Andy - but delighted on your reception. North to Alaska (theres a song in there somewhere :-) conditions weren't so rosy on the Eu path - early peaks of the utility stations and drips and drabs of DK7FC had me hopeful but they deteriorated early, and at the moment I cant even detect the 135.43 station at dot 60 - but Im sure it will come up. It got so bad that I pulled the rx off line and using the cal in Speclab used JJY to check my PC hadnt flipped back 20Hz HF as it did on reboot in the past. I fixed that prob some time ago, but you get nagging doubts and I had to recheck. Hired a rent a wreck car for the weekend (10 bucks per day :-)) and will pay a visit to the Bison and shove the antennae up tonight all being well.
Laurence KL7UK remote 5
> Propagation last night was the best I have ever seen, but I have only been on 2200 meters for
> a couple years.. In the capture; Stefans signal was in the third sequence when my daughter
> turned on her TV and that just wiped it out...Just for the story, our home was broken into about
> 1-1/2 weeks ago, and one of the items stolen was her 26 inch LCD TV. We bought her another
> one, the same brand, size, etc... The previous TV gave no problem, but this one is a monster..
> Going to try to put together some high value LC filtering for the mains line, hopefully that will
> help.. I had hopes of seeing " XDV " last night ; that is until the TVI started.. Another try..
> 73 all: - Andy - KU4XR