With your new glass coil former how do you match your PA
to this coil. Is your PA designed for 50 ohms and coupled to the coil via 50 ohm
coax and link coupled via a few turns at the cold end of coil.
I use a 0.5 mH coil at the bottom of my inv L system to
resonate the antenna. The cold end of coil goes to Earth and I TAP up from the
Earth end with the centre of my coax to get a match. ! : 1 SWR. My
PA is designed for 50 ohms and I use 50 ohm coax from the shack
to the antenna coil about 50 metres away.
I was wondering if the link coupling is efficient and
matches well.
Your signal is fb at present on 136.172 every
de mal/g3kev