Yes the hard work is for
the owner of the trace maker !
Alex , That's a very
excellent web site , Google seems to make
a good of the text, but the images remain ,
Q you have a loop and
the min-whip , which do you find the
better ?
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 5:17 PM
Subject: LF: Re: LF: Re: G3KEV
Hello Mal, thank you!
I use the aerial PA0RDT design, but in
the scheme are applied Russian transistors KP903A (FET lownoise, Pmax=3Wt) and
KT921A (n-p-n, Pmax=12 Wt). The current of drain FET is abt 50 mA.
The aerial
is on 5 meter mast on a roof of a building (abt 20 mt hight) in a quiet
place near to Moscow.
The receiver is home-made, superhet IF=500 kHz,
with DDS-synthesizer, mixers on bipolar transistors.
The scheme is on
my site:
http://rn3aus.narod.ruvy 73 de rn3aus!
11 октября 2011,
19:56 от "mal hamilton" <
[email protected]>:
You have a vy good Grabber, the best in the
What sort of antenna do u use?
de mal/g3kev
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 2:51
Subject: LF: G3KEV
Hello LF!
G3KEV signal recvd nr Moscow 09 Okt 19:20
73 de rn3aus/Alex
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