Hi Scott
I'm wondering how far up/down the coast a signal can be detected with a similar
electrode probe pair (one in the water and one on land)? Alternatively looking
for the signal along the shoreline with a horizontal loop or E-field probe?
Could be an interesting test.
Roger G3XBM
Via my 2.4GHz handheld (iPod Touch 4g)
On 1 May 2011, at 20:48, Scott Tilley <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Roger
> The closest electrode to the ocean is feeding into a creek that itself feeds
> into the ocean. This electrode is <75m from the salt water. The other
> electrode is about 0.5km inland at my house.
> Within about 2-3km of the setup I can run PSK250 with good SNR and near
> perfect copy with on about 30W feed into the antenna. Once outside this
> range things degrade rapidly...
> Placing an electrode into the salt water won't last too long with the
> beachcombers, dogs and electrofobes passing by etc.
> 73 Scott
> On 5/1/2011 10:47 AM, Roger Lapthorn wrote:
>> Scott
>> How close to the ocean are the electrodes in the earth mode tests? Can you
>> try with one in the ocean and one some way inland?
>> 73s
>> Roger G3XBM
>> Via my 2.4GHz handheld (iPod Touch 4g)
>> On 1 May 2011, at 18:38, Scott Tilley<[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> The VE7TIL 2200m grabber will remain off for another week or so. This is
>>> do to a hardware failure in a wide band amplifier in the the DDS system.
>>> I'm waiting for some replacement parts as my efforts to make repairs with
>>> parts on hand were less than satisfactory.
>>> I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused users.
>>> However, by the grabber returns to operation it will be augmented by a new
>>> VLF grabber page. I just finished installing the loop in the garden and it
>>> is working wonderfully. I spent the evening last night listening to
>>> tweeks/atmospherics and comparing my results on the VLF transmissions with
>>> that of Laurence KL7UK in AK...
>>> Work on preparing a 8970 test transmission into my LF loop continues and I
>>> expect to have the time to perform QRP tests later in May. Earth mode
>>> testing continues and so far best DX has been about 10km. Interestingly,
>>> the best path seems to be along the shore of ocean here. Inland
>>> propagation over the poor rocky ground here does not penetrate very far.
>>> 73 Scott
>>> VE7TIL