Hello Szigy!
It's nice to hear that my grabber is of use for you.
Keep on trying!
Am Montag, den 25.04.2011, 08:29 +0200 schrieb Szigy:
> rom: YO2IS
> Hi from KN05ps, hope you have had nice hollyday's.
> Glad to know about the KN34al grabber, which is closer
> ( 401Km ) to me than the one in JN88hl ( 465 Km ).
> This morning with my 'QRP'( 2xIRF640 ) and 1.3 A RF
> current ( new litz loading coil !) got a nice copy of my
> signals ( -65 dB ) from JN88hl but nothing from KN34al.
> Lets hope things will improve and will have a chance
> to see also some traces of signals from other YO's.
> Right now VLF is not my primary goal as the Es season
> approaches and just finished my new 4m TVRT and PA.
> 73 & DX, Szigy.