rom: YO2IS
Hi from KN05ps, hope you have had nice hollyday's.
Glad to know about the KN34al grabber, which is closer
( 401Km ) to me than the one in JN88hl ( 465 Km ).
This morning with my 'QRP'( 2xIRF640 ) and 1.3 A RF
current ( new litz loading coil !) got a nice copy of my
signals ( -65 dB ) from JN88hl but nothing from KN34al.
Lets hope things will improve and will have a chance
to see also some traces of signals from other YO's.
Right now VLF is not my primary goal as the Es season
approaches and just finished my new 4m TVRT and PA.
73 & DX, Szigy.