Look at
The distance is rather 1191 km!
Congrats to that distance, very impressing. Maybe you can adjust
brightness and contrast of your Spectrogram to make the SNR better
readable. But the short break of Ossis transmission is clearly visible.
This is makes me more convincing that the traces you presented of my
signal is actually my signal. Our distance is 804 km!
So, my /p LF RX is strongly disturbed by the 300m vertical and although
i can receive DF6NM during driving on the highway at 20 dB SNR in
DFCW-3 it was sometimes difficult to receive him yesterday during the
xband QSO, although i've been in a quiet location without man made
noise.It must be due to overloading the RX by other strong signal. So i
have to apply better band filters on LF...
If this is done, let's try a LF/VLF QSO!
More details about yesterday in my report which comes in the evening or
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 07.02.2011 13:11, schrieb mal hamilton:
QRB between G3KEV and OE5ODL 1123 kilometres.
Signal copied in QRS3 mode.8970 Khz 07/02/2011 all morning.
This beats the distance to DK7FC
de G3KEV