On 2/2/2011 12:10 AM, Markus Vester wrote:
Will make another attempt for an
overnight beacon - TX is now on 136177.5 Hz, DFCW 200, about
0.5 W ERP.
All reports are very welcome!
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
Well, I could say that I received you very
well.. as in this screen capture (add 136.000kHz to the value
displayed) :

but I would be cheating... :-)
I just used the remote feature of Perseus (just released) and
connected to the Perseus server of PA3CRP, who is using a
Wellbrook ALA-1530 loop antenna. PA3CRP is located in Lat:
51.94991N Lon: 5.975889E near Arnhem, Holland.
73 Alberto I2PHD