Dear VLF,
DL3NDR and Walter DJ2LF announce the ( sure? ) worldwide first
charakter-based VLF-QSO.
Date January 23rd 2011. Time 1440z to 1800z. Mode
DFCW300. Antennas backyard-type, antenna-current 200 mA. Distance 4 kms.
Thanks Markus DF6NM for reducing both SpecLab-pics
to one that hopefully meets the rules of the reflektor.
From left:
- Roland testing
- Walter sends L (should have been W from
Walter, but wrong typing. Sorry. So L means station Walter. "I am here, please
call" )
- Roland at first sends two R's, but too
short, no decoding. Then R in DFCW300 - ok. R means station Roland. "I am
here, heard you, answering"
- Walter sends K, meaning ok, like O
report, from german "klar". In DFCW better readability than O with
three elements on the same level.
- Roland also sends K.
- Walter sends B from Bye
- Roland sends B from Bye.
QSO ends.
73 Walter