Hello Stefan, of course I will try again. Until now none of my tests trying to receive your signals were successful, no matter which .usr-file I took for SpecLab. My Antenna is a MiniWhip. But the problem is the local QRM. No other explanation. Possibly the snow will make it better - or worse ;-)) I have to try from my home QTH on saturday. vy73 Horst DO1KHS/DI2AN
Von: "Stefan Schäfer" <[email protected]> Gesendet: 02.12.2010 13:13:22 An: [email protected], Paul <[email protected]>, "Bernd Grupe" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Renato Romero" <[email protected]> Betreff: VLF: DK7FC's 9th VLF kite experiment
Dear VLF/LF group,
The wind forecast is still promising and so i announced my next VLF/LF kite experiment at the german air traffic control and will get the permission for a 300m vertical antenna during daytime. The WX is promising on saturday and on sunday. Thus i will decide the day tomorrow since the forecast becomes most probably as estimated 24 hours before. My favorite day is saturday. So, i will inform you tomorrow more detailed about the planned program.
Will someone try an attempt to receive that signal? :-)
73, Stefan/DK7FC