My pleasure Mal
You can question Mr. Kunikazu Togashi's honour and ask for his
evidence yourself, as I have only my grabs to provide you and that
of KL7UK's a witness to the exchange to provide.
'NI Report' clearly shows the full and complete calls and report I
copied of NI's DFCW30 signal.
'RO_R' clearly shows Kuni's valiant attempt to acknowledge me hand
keying in QRSS30. I didn't know he had a malfunction and I can
imagine the OM was loosing his mind over there trying fix the
problem and acknowledge me any way he can. My notes on the enclosed
are based on my impressions at the time when I was copying this
according to my written logs... I was confused by the content of
this transmission but it is clear he was frantically trying to let
me know he heard me!
Our procedure was to only respond with a R or TU or anything else
when he copied my complete RO and otherwise do nothing if no or
partial copy. If he did not copy anything he would not respond and
I'd go on sending RO until my sunrise and listening between
transmissions and we'd try again the next day. Using that logic any
response no matter how incoherent as it turned out was a 'Roger'.
Similar to presently accepted EME practice... I believe even less
is required during an HF contest... Certainly less is required for
you to claim copy of a signal on 9KHz :-)
'QSO' is KL7UK's record from AK.
So fair being fair, I'd love to review your evidence of your claims!
73 Scott
On 12/1/2010 7:29 PM, mal hamilton wrote:
I want pictures of callsign
exchanges and reports, like I can produce for my DX QSO'S. I
have seen some published information but I need to be
convinced and I have not heard the JA account of this QSO.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December
01, 2010 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: LF: QRS SPEED
If you read the posts you will see this QSO has been very well
documented here on this group.
Roger G3XBM
On 1 December 2010 19:07, mal hamilton
<[email protected]>
Can you please produce
evidence of your JA qso.
I would like to see the
Argo shots of your QSO ie Callsigns in both directions
and reports exchanged.
I can supply evidence of
my DX QSO'S TA and normal CW QSO'S with Russian
I and others await this
de mal/g3kev
----- Original
Message -----
Wednesday, December 01, 2010 5:28 PM
Subject: Re:
What do you know... Answer, nothing useful to this
You have no experience using long dot lengths or
paths outside the small confines of EU on LF where
it's easy to preach your BS as it only works because
of the density of stations...
Also your preaching about much power and huge
vertical antennas is not relevant. Once you reach a
certain point say the 1W ERP limit we are all equal.
So the only multipliers left is integration and
operator practice using long integration
Alas, this is what burns you up as you have no skill
in these areas and when you try you end up working
the neighbour's toaster oven as your comical attempt
to copy Stefan on 9KHz demonstrated...
It's too bad you're the type of dog that can't be
taught new tricks...
So rather than waste BW on the reflector spend some
time TRYING to work some real DX at say the 12000km
or 7100km range and then post some meaningful
comments. You'll find that your worn bag of tricks
won't work.
73 Scott
On 12/1/2010 3:14 PM, mal hamilton wrote:
Like I have said
many times before. QRS speeds of 3 or 10 are
usually sufficient and maybe 30 in extreme
cases but speeds of 120, 240 and slower are
not useful because of QSB and QRM hits
breaking up the trace and producing misleading
in fact even
faster CW is useful for an ID under poor or
bad fading conditions.
Use as much power
as possible and a good elevated antenna to
overcome path fading and qrm. QRP signals are
vy prone to QSB whereas the QRO signals make
it to DX destinations.
Grabbers running
at vy slow speeds are not useful
de mal/g3kev
G3XBM GQRP 1678 ISWL G11088
NI Report.JPG
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