No progress , filters , position
nothing worked ,
So Just checked the speed and
re fitted the old modem ...only to find it giving
the same up and down load speed as the new
one 6.5 meg / 0.85 meg , previously up was 0.55 meg max ...
fine , the old router is rated at 10 meg max , so I may
not see 9 as the new one gave 'occasionally'
I have the idea that the
faster up speed is perhaps making the bigger
improvement to overall performance
Both have FCC mark ,
' 1&2
Netgear has FCC ID : PY309300114
(no hits in google .. odd)
In use >> Edimax
out of use Netgear DGS1000
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:21 PM
Subject: RE: LF: Any ADSL2 BBand router / RF proof
As a
precaution I wound the phone and power leads to my old ADSL netgear 834WG router
on to separate red ferrite rings and have also used the big clamp on ferrites
too and it sits quite happily with RF, even when I have the TL922 on at legal
limit. It my /A QTH in NI I have a Sky broadband router and that?s in the
same room as the atu/balun and end of my long wire, so far from ideal in terms
of RF good practice, this too is fine with 100W out from my TS570 except on 40m
and topband where the ATU seems to struggle and so mismatch is causing some
interference which drops the ADSL.
For me I use
the ferrite winding pattern as is oft described in the RSGB
ferrites did not cure my very noisy APC UPS (1000W unit) and this renders 1 to
30MHz unuseable as a cacophony of bubbles and squeals migrates up and down
numerous simultaneous 5MHz segments. My 700W version of the
APC is fine.
With best to
G7NKS (back to the coil winding for VLF)
p.s. Thanks
Roger for the namecheck in this months PW