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Re: VLF: Re: DK7FC's 7th VLF kite experiment

Subject: Re: VLF: Re: DK7FC's 7th VLF kite experiment
From: wolf_dl4yhf <>
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2010 14:37:27 +0200
In-reply-to: <5C71BB4133A642F7A2D06B26B567880D@Black>
References: <> <6F6098420211436FABB78BE04E5F8FAD@JimPC> <000901cb6215$2db60550$0401a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf> <> <B4EA2F5BDC754BC0AD7DFE6ABD01E8A2@Black> <25B77CFFDA13430086BE150894C4D3C3@Black> <5C71BB4133A642F7A2D06B26B567880D@Black>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100915 Thunderbird/3.1.4
Running again. Signal strong enough for QRSS10, or at least 30 here.

  Wolf .

Am 02.10.2010 14:26, schrieb Markus Vester:
Latest update at 12:25: Kite still up. But at 11:38 the generator ran out of fuel, and Stefan's still struggling to start her up again. 73, Markus
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 1:48 PM
Subject: LF: Re: Re: DK7FC's 7th VLF kite experiment

Stefan has fixed the PA problem and is getting > 1A antenna current. Today this requires only about 400 W input, due to favourable wet ground conditions.
The DFCW keying is somehow not working, so Stefan has basically transmitted a long carrier since 10:50. He has manually shifted the frequency down by 0.05 Hz at 11:20, and back up at 11:30.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 12:37 PM
Subject: VLF: Re: DK7FC's 7th VLF kite experiment

yes. The rain has ceased, and the kite is going up well. Stefan had a problem in his "big" PA, so since 10:15 he is using about 300 W from the smaller one. Antenna current about 0.6 A. Frequency measured here is 2.3 mHz below 8970 Hz.
MArkus (DF6NM)

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